Employee Engagement 101

The 7 new rules for 2024
Strive to truly understand your team, what motivates them, what challenges them, what fulfills them. When you are speaking with each person, do so with attention, putting aside distractions and not sneaking a peak at your computer during discussions.
RECOGNIZE THEM FOR THEIR SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONSDon’t settle for generic praise. Specific acknowledgments that highlight an individual's unique traits or contributions resonate more deeply. For instance, instead of a broad "Good job," opt for " Your ability to put clients at ease was critical during today's meeting. Thank you for your extra efforts.”
SHOW THAT YOU VALUE AND PRIORITIZE THEIR DEVELOPMENTAllowing a team member to take on new responsibilities inside the company may occasionally be necessary to help their professional development. By putting their growth ahead of the team's pressing demands, you provide all of your staff a strong signal of your support and loyalty.
GIVE THEM AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO STAND OUTHaving a thorough understanding of your team members enables you to provide each one of them the chance to succeed. You can help and encourage them on their journey to become office superstars when you are aware of their interests and strengths.
TREAT EACH OF THEM EQUALLY, BUT DISTINCTLYSteer clear of favoritism's traps. It is a personally unpleasant and unfavorable experience that detracts from concentration and performance, according to Gartner. Leaders must work to create an inclusive atmosphere where each person feels included without hiding their distinctiveness—a setting where "one size fits all" is substituted with customized appreciation of individuality.
BE PERSON-CENTRIC, NOT PEOPLE-CENTRICRecognize and take into account each team member's particular situation and interests. Demonstrate your regard for them as individuals and not simply as workers by accommodating their schedules to accommodate personal obligations or by recognizing their unique work methods. Remember to prioritize individual employee satisfaction first and create sincere relationships.
INSPIRE A TEAM CULTURE OF BELONGINGEncourage your team members to act in ways that promote belonging. Team members are more likely to succeed when they get along well with their leader and fellow members. Witness the success of your team as a whole soar as you support and exemplify behaviors that strengthen this culture. A workplace that prioritizes belonging is one where diversity flourishes, ideas thrive, and people feel empowered to bring their best selves to the table every day.
Would you like some help in crafting a customized Employee Recognition Program for your team? We can help! Reach out today!